
At Pondside Dental, our providers and staff will try our best to discuss with you the treatment planned and costs prior to starting a procedure because we understand that each person’s financial situation is different.

At your request, we can provide an estimate of your insurance eligibility and benefits. Since insurance policies vary greatly, we can only estimate your coverage in good faith, but cannot guarantee coverage due to the complexity of insurance contracts. As a courtesy, we are happy to submit claims to your insurance carrier and will try to work with you to maximize your allowable benefits.

Your estimated out-of-pocket cost is due at the time service is rendered. For your convenience we accept cash, checks and most major credit cards.

If you have any questions regarding your insurance, please do not hesitate to contact our office and one of our staff should be able to assist you.

Association Members

American Dental Association
Massachusetts Dental Society

Metro Denver Dental Society
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