Do you have a tooth that is either badly damaged or infected, rendering it incapable of restorations with dental fillings near you? You have an excellent solution available in dental crowns that function as a tooth-shaped cap to conceal the tooth restoring its shape and strength besides enhancing its appearance.
When you search for dental crowns near you, you consider an option that entirely encases the visible portion of the tooth lying above the gum line. Dental crowns are beneficial to protect a weakened tooth due to decay and holding it together to prevent parts of your tooth from cracking.
You can also have a tooth restored if it has already broken or has an extensive filling without much tooth structure remaining. Dental crowns are useful for covering misshapen or severely discolored teeth, holding dental bridges, protecting dental implants, and even supporting cosmetic modifications.
When you visit dental crowns in Boston, MA, the dentist provides different types of crowns depending on your preferences after examining your tooth by taking some x-rays. The dentist checks the roots of the tooth receiving the crown along with the surrounding bone. If your tooth is at risk of infections or injury to the tooth’s pulp, you are recommended root canal treatments.
The dentist considers the location of the tooth needing the crown when offering an appropriate solution for you to cover the tooth. If you need a molar encased for protection, the dentist in Jamaica Plain recommends a stainless steel crown or one made from metals because they are excellent choices for the molars. However, if you need a crown on her front tooth, the dentist recommends all-ceramic or all-porcelain crowns to ensure your aesthetic appearance is not impacted by the restoration.
You must visit the dental crowns clinic in Boston, MA, at least two times before you can get the restoration on your tooth.
During the first visit and after completing the examination, the dentist will numb the gum tissue around the tooth receiving the dental crown before reshaping the chewing surface to accommodate the restoration. How much tooth structure is removed depends on the type of crown you have chosen.
After reshaping the tooth, the dentist takes impressions of the tooth to have your tooth cap fabricated in a dental laboratory. You receive temporary crowns over the prepared tooth for protection.
You must wait for at least two to three weeks for the dental laboratory to fabricate your custom-designed crown and send it back to the dentist’s office.
During your second visit, the dentist removes the temporary restoration and checks the customized crown’s fit and color. You receive local anesthesia again after the dentist is satisfied with your permanent restoration, and the new crown is permanently bonded in place.
Dental crowns cost near you will vary according to your geographic location, the type of crowns you selected, the experience of the top dentist near you, coupled with various other factors. You may receive some reimbursement from your insurance company for restoring your tooth. However, you can expect to pay around $ 800-$ 1700 per tooth or more.
Generally, dental crowns last for 5 to 15 years. The restoration’s lifespan depends on the wear and tear it is exposed to and the dental hygiene practices you follow. If you are affected by problems like bruxism causing you to clench and grind your teeth, you must discuss the issue with the dentist Roslindale, who recommends night guards as protection for the tooth.
If you have a front tooth restored with a crown, you must avoid habits like chewing ice, fingernails, or using your teeth as package openers. Besides the above, if you maintain appropriate oral hygiene and regularly visit your dentist for exams and cleanings, rest assured that the restoration will last for its stipulated lifespan.
Your restored tooth does not require any special care, but you must remember that the restored tooth is not protected against tooth decay or gum disease. You must brush your teeth twice daily, floss at least once, use an antibacterial mouthwash once a day, and visit your dentist for routine exams and cleanings without exceptions. Failure to adhere to these requirements can make you susceptible to oral health issues requiring you to have restorations upon restorations.
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